Saturday, November 3, 2012

Hello Song

Each week we welcome visitors by singing the Hello Song.  To make it interesting and fun for the kids I do a couple of things.  I either have them sing Hello in another language, or I choose a color and if they are wearing it, they are the echo.  Here are some of the languages that we sing:
(These are written how you would say it)
Chinese:     Nee How
French:       Bon jour (Bon shore)
German:     Guten Tag
Greek:        Yah Soo
Hawaiian:    Aloha
Hebrew:      Shalom
Italian:         Chow
Japanese:     Kon nee chee wa
Russian:      Pree -vyet
Samoan:     Malo
Spanish:      hola
Sweedish:    hej (hey)
Taiwanese:   Li-ho
Vietnamese:  sin chow
ASL:            hand salut from the forehead (Sign language)
These are just a few that we have learned.  You can look up more, there are MANY ways to say hello!

Missionary Singing

Since the month of November focuses on missionary work, I thought of a fun singing time idea.  Most wards have several missionaries serving throughout the world.   Ask the parents of the missionaries to find out in advance their son's or daughter's favorite primary song.  You could then get a picture to show of the missionary and also a map showing where they are serving.  You could express your gratitude for that missionary and then sing their favorite song.  This could also be combined with sharing time and you could have the children write thank you letters that could be sent to the missionaries.  We LOVE our missionaries!