
My blog address is "primaryimpressions" because it seems that my ideas sometimes will come as impressions in the middle of the night! Whether you are a new chorister, or have been in the calling as long as I have, you are always looking for new ideas!

Monday, October 1, 2012

"Catch The Beach Ball"

One Sunday I was thinking of something fun to do to review our songs and I happened to have this beach ball in my closet. Since it was the end of summer I thought it would be fun to throw the ball and have the kids sing the song the way it was written where their right hand landed on the ball.  I put "Hide and Seek", "Conduct Song", "You Choose", "Sing for________" (sticker, candy, etc),  "Girls Sing" and "Boys Sing".  I threw the ball to someone who was trying to sing their best.  The children had a lot of fun and it was so easy to do.


  1. Thank you for this. After a crazy Saturday, I woke up and realized preparing for singing time had completely been forgotten. You saved me! And the kids loved it. You're awesome.

  2. What is hide and seek mean during singing time?
